Lifting the Lid Off LinkedIn Masterclass

By Nigel Cliffe

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I’m delighted to be hosting a Masterclass on how to maximise LinkedIn to achieve your business goals for the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors.

We face new challenges in nurturing relationships and establishing our online presence. Whatever the future holds, things will be different, so I hope the following two online sessions will help you up your game on LinkedIn!

Do you have a LinkedIn Profile but are not sure how to use it? You’re not alone! Over 25 million people in the UK have a LinkedIn Profile but most of them don’t know why or how to maximise it to best effect!

Are any of the following important to you?

  • Developing a pipeline of new leads, relationships and opportunities
  • Establishing myself as a thought leader in the sector
  • Building a LinkedIn profile and personal brand I can be proud of

If you’ve said ‘yes’ to any of these, then take part in the two entertaining live Zoom sessions I’m hosting with the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors. to “Lift the Lid” off what can be achieved by the improved use of LinkedIn!

What Can I Expect to Learn?

I will share some real-life examples of what can be achieved on LinkedIn and provide top tips on how to maximise your LinkedIn profile, including:

  • How to create a great profile to attract visitors and the algorithms
  • How to maximise existing and future Connections
  • How to create compelling content to attract an audience
  • What device works best
  • The etiquette of LinkedIn – what works and what doesn’t
  • …and the all-important question “Should I upgrade?”

Further Information

For just one small fee of £15 you get both of these two-hour sessions!

  • Wednesday 3 June 17:00-19:00 UK time
  • Wednesday 1 July 17:00-19:00 UK time

The session on the 3rd June will set the scene and serve as an introduction to LinkedIn, followed by a more in-depth exploration of the subject on 1st July.

Find Out more

On how I can help you turn your Linkedin profile into multiple opportunities in a few hours.

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