Human Resources

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Your people are your most important business asset.

Ensuring your people represent your business in the most credible way is critical to the way business is done today.

“People do business with people… because they choose to, not because they have to. We can always find others doing the same thing or selling the same product. It’s the personal connection that makes a difference.”

A fully optimised LinkedIn profile is the key to making a great impression – from a suitable profile picture, to a hard-working headline and a well-presented summary. Once that’s all in place your team will be ready to connect with customers, prospects, suppliers and other key stakeholders.

ValueExchange can help you to:

  • Establish a formal process for use of LinkedIn within your business
  • Integrate LinkedIn into your existing business/marketing strategy
  • Establish a common language for company messaging/branding
  • Ensure all key staff are on board with the strategy
  • Ensure all key staff understand the importance of maintaining a presence on LinkedIn
  • Set clear objectives and establish key measures
  • Stay up-to-date with latest changes to LinkedIn
  • Determine an ongoing plan to keep you ahead of the game

ValueExchange can also (through a recommended employment lawyer) offer advice on legal issues such as who owns LinkedIn contacts on an employee’s account and what online behaviour constitutes employee gross misconduct.

Email or call us today for more information: 0333 323 8275