Sales and Marketing

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Just like you, many people are on LinkedIn but don’t know why!

They set up a profile, receive invitations, and that’s it… until they need a job. But LinkedIn is far from being a tool for job search and recruitment. It’s the best performing social media platform for lead generation. It’s the best performing social media platform for strengthening brand image.

“Helping has become the new selling”

Importing traditional sales and marketing strategies into digital environments does not work. Social media is personal. People are buying people. It’s not about your quantity of connections, likes or followers; it’s about the quality of time and value you can exchange with your network. In turn, this builds your trust and social currency. In today’s age, building social currency is probably the most important business investment you can make.

If you know who your target audience is, I can help you find more of them, no matter how niche. If you’re not sure about the characteristics of your audience, I can help you define their persona/s.

More importantly, I can help you be seen.

    • ValueExchange can help you drive more traffic to your website.
    • ValueExchange can help you identify prospects (list building) and make new connections.
    • ValueExchange can help you spot opportunities, drive new business and generate more leads.
    • ValueExchange can help you create a contact development programme so you know what messages to send and how best to respond to the opportunities you find.
  • ValueExchange can guide you on content creation sources and understand the importance of a content plan

And it doesn’t stop there. Staying front-of-mind until the point someone needs to buy can all happen if you have a solid LinkedIn strategy. You can become a thought-leader; a ‘go to’ expert for your industry or area of specialism.

This is not just the reserve of LinkedIn Influencers such as Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Arianna Huffington and Guy Kawasaki, it can be done by anyone who has a clearly defined strategy and implementation plan.

Once I’ve shown you how, it doesn’t even need to take that long to manage. I can also help keep you on track and up-to-date with all the latest changes*.

* Coaching fees may apply.

If I’ve convinced you that LinkedIn is the right area for you to invest, but you just don’t have the time to do the strategic research or messaging, I can help here too. If you have an existing LinkedIn group that needs a manager or would like to discuss setting one up, call me. I can even help you search for, curate and share relevant content from industry and other websites. No more excuses!

Take a look at my public courses, in-house training or consultancy services. 

“Nigel and Luan delivered an excellent day’s training in their LinkedIn Bootcamp at a highly competitive price. The content was both insightful and pertinent to those seeking practical strategies for engaging in business to business networking and marketing via LinkedIn. I found the day engaging and enjoyable and would highly recommend ValueExchange’s training.”