Your LinkedIn Primary
Email Address

Should you change your Primary Email Address on LinkedIn?

What is it, and where does it appear?

When someone creates their LinkedIn profile for the first time, they will quite often use their personal email address when setting up their account.

Leaving this as the only email address might not be the best option.

Once someone is a first-degree connection, they will ordinarily be able to see your email address (Unless you change this in your settings).

What if they wish to contact you about business-related matters?

They might now feel a little uncomfortable about using your personal email address.

So why not add your business email address into your contact details and make that the 'Primary' address that will appear in your contact details?

It is also good practice to have two emails associated with your account in case you ever happened to be prevented from using one of them.

This decision will vary, depending on how you use LinkedIn. But make sure you have thought it through when deciding.